Member Benefits

  • As a member, you have the right to your industry seat. No one else in your vertical can join without your direct approval.

  • x8 meetings a year focused around driving connection and revenue of everyone in attendance. Come with a list of whomever you want to meet and let the Mesh execute for you.

  • x2 events a year with both a ticket for yourself and x1 guest ticket for you to bring a co-worker, potential client, or spouse to the event.

  • Separate Communication Channel for sharing event info, deal opportunities and big life announcements. This account is managed by the Mesh team.

  • You will be tagged in all content you are in. You will also receive a social post both about yourself and your business on all the Mesh KC Channels

Member Requirements

  • We require all members to attend a minimum of x6 events a year.

  • We require all members to keep the best interests of their fellow members in mind. Considering confidentiality and potential opportunity for one another.

  • Before a guest can attend a roundtable they must fill out a form and be approved by the Advisory Council to join the group. They are welcome to attend large events.

  • $500/yr is the membership dues requirement. Due within 30 days of application acceptance.

  • We require our members to use ethical business practices and to maintain a good reputation in order to quality control the group culture.


  • When we receive a membership form we present it to the advisory council wants it is approved there it will be sent out to the entire group for veto rights. The veto must x3 plus in order to take effect or there must be a strong reason behind a single veto. Which will be determined by the advisory council.

  • Virtual attendance can be accommodated but must be requested and does not count towards the x6 attendance reqiurements.

  • Board seats will not be on consistent rotation but if a board member or council member requests to step down or we get a request for someone to join it will be put out to that appropriate group to see who is interested in being replaced if anyone.

  • The president must report the use of funds to the Board of Directors to make sure funds are being used ethically.