About Mesh KC
Mesh KC is a networking group focused on the CRE/AEC industry. Blending the objectives of developing meaningful friendships and building profitable relationships.
x8 Roundtables/year (members only)
x2 Large Events/year (public)
x1 Giveback Event/year (member plus guest)
Apply to find out when these gathers take place!
We measure our success by the quality of relationships formed & by the quantity of closed business generated from the group. We look to create atmospheres where both friendship & revenue can be generated in parallel.
Board of Directors
Drew Neubauer
Neu Development
Micah Walje
Ronco Construction
Samuel Noel
Treasure Advertising
Zach Fischer
People’s National Bank
Advisory Council
Cheyenne Farmer
Chris Stibbs
Drew Neubauer
Faedra Silverio
Jonathan Hinshaw
Micah Walje
Taylor Frizzle
Zach Fischer
Samuel Noel
Meet the President
The passion behind Mesh and a key motivator for Sam in his career has been connecting good people. With a rich CRE involvement and a long business development history, Mesh was a clear next jump in Sam’s portfolio. He runs a marketing firm called Treasure Advertising, which specializes in CRE/AEC Marketing, and carries his real estate license. Sam’s understanding of CRE has truly expanded over the years, especially after the purchase of a commercial real estate investment property downtown.
His heart for people, business, and networking are the pillars of his “why” with Mesh. In addition, he knows the value of friendship development in these networking environments but also the importance of intentional connections and true lead-sharing. So the group name came from Meshing together both friendship development & business development. As well as the truth behind meshing everyone’s networks together will form a powerful, unstoppable group of professionals who are all crushing it!